Our Environment, Our Responsibility: An Appeal to Action

Our Environment, Our Responsibility: An Appeal to Action Introduction: In the entire universe, the Earth is only known planet till now, which has life on it. Life on this planet is possible only because of the Environment. It plays crucial role in sustaining life on the Earth. We have been endowed, the air to breath, water to drink and, resources to fulfill our needs. And we ‘The Humans’ are the only living being which understands the relationship between nature and the human. The below Sanskrit shloka expresses this relationship as: शाश्वतम्, प्रकृति-मानव-सङ्गतम्, सङ्गतं खलु शाश्वतम्। तत्त्व-सर्वं धारकं सत्त्व-पालन-कारकं वारि-वायु-व्योम-वह्नि-ज्या-गतम्। शाश्वतम्, प्रकृति-मानव-सङ्गतम्।। Meaning : - “ The relationship between nature and man is eternal. Relationship is eternal. All the elements of water, air, sky, fire and earth are really the holders and the protector of the living beings. ” Image courtesy to www.vlr.eng.br The beauty of this relationship could be lon...